Seeing better restores life comfort.
And with that, dignity, self-confidence and safety are restored.
Seeing better means deeper relations and courage to act.
And to have new dreams.
Therefore, the mission of OCHO is to destroy barriers which narrow down good seeing.
We do everything to ensure that our patient, looking at the world and another man, could see well. We provide patients with our profound knowledge, international experience and above-standard involvement. We restore their maximum vision acuity at every stage of their lives.
The vision of OCHO goes even further; aside from taking care of good function of the sense of sight, we promote respect for the sense of involvement. We know that living life to the full is much more than just seeing well. It is also mindfulness, empathy, solidarity and sharing goodness. Specific seeing and adequate activity. That is why, OCHO gets involved in social projects, in which thus understood business responsibility matters. That is why, the economy of sharing in the vision of OCHO forms this sense of involvement, necessary in proper assimilation of business paradigms.