Dry eye syndrome examination with a keratograph or similar devices (OSA Tearscope) is a comprehensive analysis of the palpebral gland function and mechanism of lacrimation. The examination is ordered in the case of symptoms typical for the dry eye syndrome, such as: sensation of dryness, red eye, eye burning, gritty sensation. The analysis is conducted in a sitting position; the patient should not apply make-up before the examination.
During a basic ophthalmological visit, the patient’s ophthalmological history is taken, and the following examinations are conducted: autorefraction, keratometry, intraocular pressure measurement, visual acuity examination, slit lamp examination and fundoscopic examination.
An ophthalmological visit with performance of basic examinations lasts about 20 minutes. In some Centres, the examinations being part of the visit are performed by auxiliary personnel in the examination room. These activities are also included in the time of the basic visit.
Yes, it is recommended that contact lenses be removed before the visit. The patient should bring the lenses to the visit, since the doctor may ask the patient to insert them.
The cost of a visit is as per the price list on our website.
Ophthalmological check-ups is an individual matter. The doctor usually informs the patient during the visit when he/she should return. Patients over 50 should have a check-up at least once a year.