A microbiological examination of eyelashes for demodex infestation involves collection of a few eyelashes or eyebrows from the patient, which are then examined under a microscope. The result is usually obtained after 10-15 minutes.
Demodex is the name for microscopic mites (up to 0.4 mm) which settle on the eyelid margins and cause a number of skin problems, including unpleasant eye conditions. Skin signs of infection usually include acne rosacea or seborrhoeic dermatitis. As regards the eyes, the patient may have sensation of dryness, eyelid itching, swelling and burning. The symptoms are often mistaken for allergic reactions or eye fatigue.
The cost of a visit is as per the price list on our website.
During the first visit, the doctor takes the patient’s ophthalmological history. If the patient has any ophthalmological documentation from other institutions, it is worth taking it to the visit.
Ophthalmological check-ups is an individual matter. The doctor usually informs the patient during the visit when he/she should return. Patients over 50 should have a check-up at least once a year.
If you received pupil-dilating drops at the visit, you must NOT drive a car directly after the visit. You should wait for about 2-3 hours.