HRT (Heidelberg Retinal Tomography) involves a tomographic examination of the retina and optic disc. This method is used e.g. with diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma. Recently, it has been more and more often replaced by OCT. With the use of a special attachment, confocal microscopy of the cornea, useful in the diagnosis of infective disease, can be performed.
The examination requires no special preparation of the patient. . Before the examination, it may be necessary to apply pupil-dilating drops, which cause blurred vision and photophobia persisting for a few hours after the examination
During a basic ophthalmological visit, the patient’s ophthalmological history is taken, and the following examinations are conducted: autorefraction, keratometry, intraocular pressure measurement, visual acuity examination, slit lamp examination and fundoscopic examination.
The cost of a visit is as per the price list on our website.
During the first visit, the doctor takes the patient’s ophthalmological history. If the patient has any ophthalmological documentation from other institutions, it is worth taking it to the visit.
If you received pupil-dilating drops at the visit, you must NOT drive a car directly after the visit. You should wait for about 2-3 hours.